
11 November 2023

The Israeli government just downgraded the number of those killed in the
October 7 attack to 1200 from 1400. Haaretz Newspaper was able to name less
than 980 (some yet to be identified). George Galloway wrote: "The foul

09 November 2023

Thomas Mann (1875 - 1955): "War is a cowardly escape from the problems of

Today Israeli occupation forces attacked more hospitals in Gaza including
the Indonesian Hospital. Medicines are not allowed yet...

08 November 2023

On October 20, Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, stood on the Egyptian side of the Rafah crossing, between Egypt and besieged Gaza. 

 Guterres was not the only international figure to...

04 November 2023

My first open letter was addressed to the people of Gaza . It had hundreds of...

02 November 2023

Gaza has changed the political equation in Palestine. 

Moreover, the repercussions of this devastating war are likely to alter the political equation in the entire Middle East and to re-center Palestine as the world’s most urgent...

30 October 2023

History will not forgive those who have remained silent, exhibited or expressed ‘balanced’ positions - or worse, defended Israel’s ongoing...


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