01 October 2001
As the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center toppled and with the Pentagon in flames, Attorney General Betty Montgomery battled on almost alone, as the rest of the nation sought to comfort the wounded, tried to rescue survivors and...
16 May 2001
“From the dawn of man his blood filled cries for revenge have been heard, the lustful poison for vengeance seeping into his heart blackening his soul. The creator heard these cries – thus while giving the law to Moses said, whomever...
23 January 2001
To ring in the new year on Tuesday, January 2, five members of the Columbus School Board passed a New Year’s resolution: to destroy the tradition of free speech at school board meetings. The long-standing practice of open public comments...
29 July 2000
If you’re trying to make sense out of recent Dispatch reporting on racial profiling by the Columbus Police Department (CPD), forget it. The Dispatch coverage suggests that since 28% of the traffic tickets issued in 1999 were...
10 May 2000
Now, it's Al Gore, crime fighter, outlining his plans in a recent speech in Atlanta. The reportedly erstwhile dope smoker from Tennessee fears that the Texan who's so coy about his past relationship with cocaine has the edge on the crime...
03 May 2000
Maybe Elian Gonzalez will have achieved a miracle after all, alerting mainstream America to the fact that the Bill of Rights have disappeared, restrictions on the role of the military in domestic affairs have been thrown overboard, and all...


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