13 August 2006
WASHINGTON: One of the nation's most aggressive organic watchdogs filed a formal legal complaint today (8/10/06) against the country's leading organic brand, Horizon, alleging a well-financed campaign to greenwash milk produced at factory...
02 June 2006
High gasoline prices have jump-started a long overdue national conversation on the consequences of U.S. dependence on foreign oil.

Since gas prices crossed the magic $3-a-gallon threshold a few weeks ago, we've seen a rush...
07 May 2006
Everybody had a good laugh at Bush's EPA claiming that the long feared destruction of wetlands had miraculously slowed. And who could blame them? The obvious layman response, otherwise known as the 'huh' factor, was more than on point....
22 April 2006
If water is the oil of the 21st century, then Michigan, smack dab in the middle of the Great Lakes, is Saudi Arabia. And after banging their straws at the Big Dipper for years, Nestle Corporation has finally succeeded in plunging into the...
14 April 2006
CORNUCOPIA, WI: The Cornucopia Institute has filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking to compel the USDA to provide public records sought through several Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. The Institute is a Wisconsin-based farm...
18 March 2006
The Senate passed approved a measure in a budget bill Thursday that included a provision to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling - just as the region suffers through one of the worst oil spills in history.



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