
25 September 2008
Singer-songwriter Jackson Browne nailed the nuclear power industry on the Colbert Show. Browne is in New York touring for his new album "Time the Conqueror." He is also suing the John McCain campaign for the illegal use of his "Running...
23 September 2008
As you read this, nuclear power liabilities embraced by the federal government could be making small radioactive potatoes of the mere hundreds of billions George W. Bush wants to hand the pirates of Wall Street.

In fact, they...
22 September 2008
The grassroots green energy movement has won a huge---but temporary---victory over the nuke power industry.

The triumph comes at the federal level, while state-wide ratepayers are still being gouged to pay for new reactors in...
18 September 2008
The McCain/Palin push for endless oil drilling is being used as a smokescreen to gouge a half-trillion or more taxpayer dollars in subsidies and loan guarantees to build new atomic reactors. The mega-theft could be approved by the US...
01 August 2008
Ted Stevens has been the primary driver in the futile effort to destroy the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in northeast Alaska.  Now, he is under indictment. 

This should come as no surprise to those familiar with the issue,...
25 July 2008
A devastating blow to the much-hyped revival of atomic power has been delivered by an unlikely source---the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The NRC says the "standardized" designs on which the entire premise of returning nuclear power to...


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