
16 May 2011
As Fukushima continues to leak and smolder, what may be the definitive battle over new nukes in America has begun.

The critical first US House vote on a proposed $36 billion loan guarantee package for reactor construction may...
11 May 2011
Japan will build no new nuclear reactors. It's a huge body blow to the global industry, and could mark a major turning point in the future of energy.

Says Prime Minister Naoto Kan: "We need to start from scratch… and do...
10 May 2011
NRC Licensing Board Recognizes Standing, Grants Hearing on Renewable Alternatives and Severe Accident Risks

Toledo, Ohio--On March 1st in a Port Clinton courtroom, the resources of First Energy, one of the largest power...
02 May 2011
In the wake of the apocalyptic nightmare at Fukushima, the multi-trillion-dollar global nuclear power industry is looking over the abyss at a long-overdue extinction.

But the issue is far from decided. Japan's horrifying...
29 April 2011
Dear President Obama,
Why Atomic Energy Should Not be Used to Generate Electricity:
The plants are inherently unsafe
· Most of the current plants are operating beyond their age limit.

· Failure to...
28 April 2011
The facts all point to this “inconvenient truth” -- the time has come to shut down California’s two nuclear power plants as part of a swift transition to an energy policy focused on clean and green renewable sources and conservation....


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