27 January 2007
The first felony convictions of two Cleveland poll workers stemming from Ohio's stolen 2004 election confirm that the official recount in that contested vote was, in the words of county prosecutors, "rigged."  The question now is whether...
26 January 2007
Even in Democratic County, They Rigged To Avoid The Extra Work and Embarrassment that Finding Discrepancies Would Bring


The verdict is in on whether the November 2004 presidential election...
19 January 2007
Three criminal prosecutions in Ohio's biggest county have opened with strong indications that the cover-up of the theft of the 2004 presidential election is starting to unravel. Prosecutors say these cases involve "rigging" the recount in...
05 January 2007
I am in the famous Mystic Pizza, in Mystic Seaport, Connecticut, where a young, unformed Julia Roberts grins from a fading movie poster. Out the window, the late November sky gathers cold, grey and moist, wanting to snow. Townspeople,...
04 January 2007
Recount-Audit Observations
Franklin County, Ohio
December 2006

The evidence adduced during post election review of the results demonstrate(s) unequivocally that by reason of stunning violations of Ohio law and...
03 January 2007
While Democratic Party supporters celebrate their success in Ohio, where their statewide candidates won four out of five executive offices and they now control both the U.S. House and Senate, they are ignoring massive and verifiable...


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