26 March 2018

By now, anyone with a scintilla of public spirit knows the names of Adelson, the Koch Brothers, Mercer, and the mammoth corporations from Wall Street, the banks, the oil companies, big Pharma, big agriculture, and the like. If you are...

Middle aged white guy with receding brown hair looking sideways with a worried look on his face, wearing a gray suit with a purple and white striped tie
06 November 2017

A big chunk of American democracy is riding on Tuesday’s Virginia election.

The outcome could turn on how well Democrats protect the right to vote….and the right to have the votes accurately counted. 

If Democrat and anti-...

The map of Ohio with the Ohio flag coloring it in, red stripes and a blue triangle with white stars inside and a red circle
17 August 2017

Ohio 2004 Case Study


In March 2004, Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman published the article Diebold, Electronic Voting, and the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy on freepress.org and on...

Map of Florida with State of Florida seal coloring it in, a red line with a gold circle and pictures inside
17 August 2017

Florida 2000 Case Study


In 2000, Democrat Al Gore, the incumbent Vice President, won the nationwide presidential vote tally by more than 500,000 votes. But for the first time since 1876, a Constitutional crisis arose...

13 August 2017


Al Gore now says he opposes the Electoral College.

A mere 16 years of lethal silence has been shattered!

Eight years of George W. Bush and eight months of Donald Trump ago Gore won the US popular...


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