
Book Cover with photo of Nixon doing peace signs
26 April 2015
As someone who has a master’s degree in political science, I am somewhat embarrassed   to say that my first reaction to the congressional hearings on Watergate was one of extreme   annoyance: the networks cancelled all regular programming...
24 April 2015

Once again, a sci-fi flick is asking the burning question: Is romance possible between man and machine?

In 2013, Her made the prospect seem inviting, especially since the machine was represented by the warm (if...

John Coltrane - A Love Supreme LP
16 April 2015

Great Jazz Albums
This spring herald's the 50th Anniversary of arguably the greatest Jazz album ever released. I don’t write these words lightly. There are many contenders.
  “Kinda Blue”...

Painting by James Beoddy
16 April 2015

While the ridiculous Ameriflora exhibition took up residence at Franklin Park in downtown Columbus in 1992 – inexplicably there to commemorate the 500th anniversary Columbus “discovering America” – then-President George...

09 April 2015

           It happened on August 29, 1786.  Protestors, many of whom were veterans of the Revolutionary War, were angry about the distressed economic circumstance that developed in the aftermath of the war.  Hard currency was in short...

30 January 2015

The Columbus Free Press recently printed a movie review of “American Sniper”, the Clint Eastwood directed film portraying Navy SEAL sniper...


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