13 March 2011
Phone Banks in Columbus are running, 11-7 weekdays, 11-4 weekends, at the Ohio AFL-CIO, 395 E Broad, to talk to folks on why we need to protect worker’s bargaining rights in...
03 March 2011
Send a letter to Attorney General Holder: 'Prosecute Bush for torture'

George W. Bush has publicly admitted that he authorized torture. He must be held accountable. We are part of a worldwide movement to make sure this happens...
27 February 2011
"We should not think that the destruction and suffering unleashed by war is limited to Iraq and Afghanistan. Individuals and whole cities here at home have become 'collateral damage.' Millions of people are thrown out of their jobs and...
24 February 2011
Thousands of workers and community members converged on the Statehouse yesterday to voice their opposition to Senate Bill 5 and Gov. Kasich's assault on working families and the middle class—but they were shut out. Yesterday, the doors...
18 February 2011
Join Rev. Jesse Jackson, Faith Leaders, Elected Officials, Union and Community Leaders on Wednesday, February 23 at 11am at the Teamsters building, 555 E. Rich Street, Columbus, OH 43215. The Senate Insurance, Commerce and Labor Committee...
13 February 2011
I guess we shouldn't be surprised.

With Republicans back in charge of the House of Representatives, funding for NPR and PBS is in grave danger. Again.

The Republicans just released their budget proposal, and it...


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